
Nippo provides a systemized daily reporting system that can be customized to fit individual employee’s tasks and work assessment.


Employee Management

Create and organize employee information and data, associations with supervisors and many more.


Statistics for each Projects

Analyze data based on various variables, such as project contribution, man-hour, staff involved, etc.


Personnel Assessment

Manage your employee’s self-assessment evaluation score. It is also possible to compile and analyze monthly and annual evaluations.


Project/Task Management

Register and manage project information, task types and the specific details of each task.


Man-hour Cost Management

The total number of working hours can be summarized for each task, and is supported with a calculation of the number of hours spent on each task.


Engage Each Other

Leave a like and comment on people’s work. You can also give a thumbs-up in regards to each task/project performance, so as to motivate one another.


Tag People

Through tagging the colleagues each employee has collaborated with on every individual task, managers are able to check if there is a mismatch, and take the appropriate steps to confirm the duties of the individual in question.


Nippo provides a daily reporting mechanism which calculates the man-hour cost of each employee so that managers and HRD can have a better grasp of the daily performances of each staff member.
Don’t worry, we provide user guidelines along with the application. If you are still uncertain about some features, then you can contact us directly.
Yes, Nippo can be accessed through any browser, including mobile device based browsers. If you have a problem and require assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yes, Nippo can function on mobile platforms.
With Nippo’s features, managers and HRD can accurately monitor the productivity of each employee on a day-by-day basis, therefore allowing them to immediately evaluate their work and bring to light any wasteful or unnecessary tasks within each of their routines.
Thank you for using our services. You can inform us directly through one of the contacts we have provided.
Managers are able to evaluate each employee based on their overall working performance in the form of a score. Staff, on the other hand, can only input their daily report.
No. Nippo is designed to meet the needs of any type of company.

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